
Marianne Benforado, L.Ac



About this provider

Marianne Benforado, licensed acupuncturist, is delighted to be a Wellness Education Provider for IPM. This position is an excellent fit because of  her  expertise in chronic pain, ability to deliver top notch educational presentations and highest intention of supporting people in need.  Also, as a daily meditator for over two decades, she has been told that she has a calm and grounding presence which is important for interacting with people in chronic pain. Marianne is also a Qi Gong teacher and it is one of her passions to share this knowledge with others as these simple movements coordinated with breathing can create the foundation for health in the body, mind and spirit. As a holistic health care provider, she believes that the daily lifestyle choices people make have the biggest impact on health and she loves to educate others on the best choices to make in terms of relaxation, sleep, nutrition, and exercise.

She received a Bachelor of Science from University of Wisconsin-Madison and then earned a Masters of Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University in Santa Cruz California. The MTCM is a four academic year professional degree. The curriculum totals over 3,000 hours of which 900+ hours are clinical study and practice. Marianne also received advanced certification in sports medicine and orthopedics. After graduation she completed a two year residency program mentoring with a leading orthopedic acupuncturist in the Bay Area. She then completed The Acupuncture Sports Medicine Apprenticeship Program. The mission of this intensive program is “ integrating traditional Chinese acupuncture with anatomy, orthopedics, and western sports medicine practices.” She had a successful private acupuncture practice in Santa Cruz for many years. On a personal note, she finds that getting regular exercise, having a daily spiritual practice, and staying connected with nature are essential for her wellbeing. She often says “laughter is the best medicine” and is grateful to her sweet doodle for daily doses of smiles and laughs.

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